Restorative planting of wetland flora

Wetland Planting

Hand planting of native wetland species for storm runoff, ponds, shoreline stabilization and more.

One Call Gets It Done

We can both supply and install a wide variety of wetland species. This includes above waterline, brackish marsh, deep water, shallow water, and waterline varieties. We work with homeowners looking to place vegetation around their ponds, creeks, and other natural water features. We can also scale to meet the demands of large wetland restoration projects or site development work with on-site water retention.

Typical Pricing

Starting at $10/plant with a minimum of 200 plants. Bulk rates may apply depending on quantity and project complexity. Temporary irrigation is available with our bulk water delivery service, if needed.


  • Flowering Species for Local Pollinators
  • Shoreline Stabilization
  • Above Water Erosion Control for Pond Edges and Banks
  • Natural Water Filtration for Bodies of Water
get in touch

Contact us today to get your project started.
